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Java代码审计入门篇:WebGoat 8(初见)(7)


Java代码审计入门篇:WebGoat 8(初见)



public class SqlInjectionChallenge extends AssignmentEndpoint { private static final String PASSWORD_TOM = "thisisasecretfortomonly"; //Make it more random at runtime (good luck guessing) static final String USERS_TABLE_NAME = "challenge_users_6" + RandomStringUtils.randomAlphabetic(16); @Autowired private WebSession webSession; public SqlInjectionChallenge() { log.info("Challenge 6 tablename is: {}", USERS_TABLE_NAME); } //使用PUT http method进行参数提交 @PutMapping //assignment path is bounded to class so we use different http method


@ResponseBody public AttackResult registerNewUser(@RequestParam String username_reg, @RequestParam String email_reg, @RequestParam String password_reg) throws Exception { AttackResult attackResult = checkArguments(username_reg, email_reg, password_reg); if (attackResult == null) { Connection connection = DatabaseUtilities.getConnection(webSession); checkDatabase(connection); try { String checkUserQuery = "select userid from " + USERS_TABLE_NAME + " where userid = '" + username_reg + "'"; Statement statement = connection.createStatement(); ResultSet resultSet = statement.executeQuery(checkUserQuery); if (resultSet.next()) { attackResult = failed().feedback("user.exists").feedbackArgs(username_reg).build(); } else { PreparedStatement preparedStatement = connection.prepareStatement("INSERT INTO " + USERS_TABLE_NAME + " VALUES (?, ?, ?)"); preparedStatement.setString(1, username_reg); preparedStatement.setString(2, email_reg); preparedStatement.setString(3, password_reg); preparedStatement.execute(); attackResult = success().feedback("user.created").feedbackArgs(username_reg).build(); } } catch(SQLException e) { attackResult = failed().output("Something went wrong").build(); } } return attackResult; } private AttackResult checkArguments(String username_reg, String email_reg, String password_reg) { if (StringUtils.isEmpty(username_reg) || StringUtils.isEmpty(email_reg) || StringUtils.isEmpty(password_reg)) { return failed().feedback("input.invalid").build(); } if (username_reg.length() > 250 || email_reg.length() > 30 || password_reg.length() > 30) { return failed().feedback("input.invalid").build(); } return null; } static void checkDatabase(Connection connection) throws SQLException { try { Statement statement = connection.createStatement(); System.out.println(USERS_TABLE_NAME); statement.execute("select 1 from " + USERS_TABLE_NAME); } catch (SQLException e) { createChallengeTable(connection); } } static void createChallengeTable(Connection connection) { Statement statement = null; try { statement = connection.createStatement(); String dropTable = "DROP TABLE " + USERS_TABLE_NAME; statement.executeUpdate(dropTable); } catch (SQLException e) { log.info("Delete failed, this does not point to an error table might not have been present..."); } log.debug("Challenge 6 - Creating tables for users {}", USERS_TABLE_NAME); try { String createTableStatement = "CREATE TABLE " + USERS_TABLE_NAME + " (" + "userid varchar(250)," + "email varchar(30)," + "password varchar(30)" + ")"; statement.executeUpdate(createTableStatement); String insertData1 = "INSERT INTO " + USERS_TABLE_NAME + " VALUES ('larry', 'larry@webgoat.org', 'larryknows')"; String insertData2 = "INSERT INTO " + USERS_TABLE_NAME + " VALUES ('tom', 'tom@webgoat.org', '" + PASSWORD_TOM + "')"; String insertData3 = "INSERT INTO " + USERS_TABLE_NAME + " VALUES ('alice', 'alice@webgoat.org', 'rt*(KJ()LP())$#**')"; String insertData4 = "INSERT INTO " + USERS_TABLE_NAME + " VALUES ('eve', 'eve@webgoat.org', '**********')"; statement.executeUpdate(insertData1); statement.executeUpdate(insertData2); statement.executeUpdate(insertData3); statement.executeUpdate(insertData4); } catch (SQLException e) { log.error("Unable create table", e); } } }
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